Friday, May 27, 2011

Air France to JFK

Nothing like blue skies to fly in. Maybe at 30000 ft they will turn blue.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Interesting position in the chair with the sun.

People would come in and sit is the most interesting of places It took hoping the would not notice I was taking his photo to pull it off.

Metro of Paris

Interesting mix of metro lines

Jim Morrison

Found him. Not as if he was going anywhere
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On the hunt for Jim Morrison. He's not going anywhere
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Paris- Roof tops

Had a great dinner with my friend Minter and his family and captured the tower and the roof tops.
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Paris day one

I made it to Paris. The hunt is on.
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Over 200 Km / hour

No stopping to see the countryside at this speed. You blink and it is a new town.
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Tgv to Paris

Got to the train on time. Now to take a nap on the way to Paris. Church art and Street Moments.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Leaving Zug at 5:30 am

The crowds were going wild as I waited for my train to go to Zurich where I catch the train to Paris. The crowds in Paris will be huge. I of course will send a photo if there is time.
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Church in the sky

Re: Where to next

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Byers <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 20:27:36
To: byers bruce<>; Abrams Lori + Rob<>; Doets Mark<>
Subject: Where to next

Where to next

Always good to have a cloud with you

Glad they told me where the stair where

The art is in the mountains

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Rail car at 1600 meters

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Cable car into the mountains.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Street life in Florence

This lady puts this together everyday.

300 km/hr

Back to Zug then Paris on Sunday. Visited many churches and captured a lot of art. Was no easy. They were very dark and you had to be there at the right time.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Firenze-Art hunter

After 7 hours of walking the streets and photographing every piece of art I can find so far its sunset time at the. Over look above Firenze. I have no idea who that guy is in my photo.
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Firenze-Look up

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Need more tape!!!!!!
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Traveling to Florence at 300 km. Per hour hope the breaks work.
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Arth-Room with a moving view

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Zug-train to Milano then Florence

Captured a number of good images in Zug and south. Now on the way to Florence with a train change in Milano. I was going to shoot in Milano but the Last Supper is booked by the big tour groups and I would not be able to get it to photograph it. I feel I capture a few sell able shots in Switzerland helping to pay the way.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Train to Luzern

Shooting art in 4 churches in Luzern today.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sailing on lake Loosdrechtse Plassen on a Tjotter. Good day to sail.
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Friday, May 13, 2011

Where's my bike?

So I thought it would be a good idea to ride a bike around Amsterdam. Everyone does it. Now I just have to remember where I parked it.
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Where's my bike?

So I thought it would be a good idea to ride a bike around Amsterdam. Everyone does it. Now I just have to remember where I parked it.
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  Camera Odysseys and Bruce Byers  wishes everyone a great New Year. Jim Reed, a Hasselblad Master, will be joining us on trips bringing his...