Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Street of Pushkar

This is a camera club from Hong Kong. I think they brought the whole

Single guy is the photo they were taking.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tough part about travel in India

India has a large population with many so poor they live on next to nothing. Dealing with it as a traveler can be hard as you can not save everyone.


Went to the movies tonight in Jaipur. red carpet and all.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stuff animals make a big hit

When the children wake up the touch of something soft is very calming. Keeping the child stress free helps the healing.

The Abrams girl and Amanda Byers collected the stuffed animals for the mission. The kids thank you.

I don't see a runway???

The question for today. Is there a runway out there? This was asked as we watched our plane come in.

We made it back to Dhaka

This time with out delay. Team has gone it's different ways till the next mission in March.

Our host for the plane tickets to Cox's Baza

Mohammad's father inlaw is to thank

We had tickets?

We were going to take the bus but when it got here they said they were a little over sold. We took the plane instead. Pays to book ahead.

Sue keeps watch

Chris at work in OR

The banner

When is my turn?

Joel waits for the next kid.

This is why we came to help these kids

This was one kid who has been give a new life

Bring on the kids

Our very own mad scientist

Paw prints are a big hit with the kids

Thanks for the bandages.

Art and films in Bangladesh

  Camera Odysseys and Bruce Byers  wishes everyone a great New Year. Jim Reed, a Hasselblad Master, will be joining us on trips bringing his...