Saturday, October 31, 2009

Amanda cooked dinner

Amanda came home for the weekend and made dinner. Hope she does the dishes too.
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Scary don't know who!!!!!!

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Meeting place to see dave.

73rd and park drive. Right at the entrance to the Boat House where you rent the row boats.
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Checking the course

Just in case he doesn't make it this far Sunday we took the photo today.
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Guess what Dave is?

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Where do I go again

Learning the subway
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Dave talking to Steve

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Guess who's wearing Roma

Roma spotted in NY.
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eye glasses

Digging out the old frame.

If you need an eye glass pro I have one for you.
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Going my way?

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BNI today

BNI networking meeting today. Started at 7am.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am either going baty or Halloween is coming.

Another great print at the Old Print Shop.
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OPS mini show

For the next month there will be a mini show in the bookstore of The Old Print Shop of the work of Bruce Byers.

The Old Print Shop is location on Lexington Ave. 150 lex. Between 29th and 30th street.

Please drop by. There is more of Bruce's work in the gallery on the 2nd floor.
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68 Mosaic

New York spaces
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Friday, October 23, 2009

NY subway

Back in ny riding the subway
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Westport CT train

On the move again. Headed to NY from Westport. Just have not had enough traveling lately.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ny ah traffic

NY. Just as I left it. Nice to see the sun.
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Loading plane

20 minutes late and counting. Full flight, waiting for everyone to get seated.
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NY Homeward

A little stormy and that will pass. Flight is on time.
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Rome again

Rain, wind and lines.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Airport trip

Its 3:30 am and Bruce is headed to the airport. Rome for 2 hours then NY. Leave the lights on.
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Street cafe' Istanbul

Many, many,many
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Istanbul cat

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No dogs on the pretty grass

What about the 9000 cats
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Armenian food tonight

Giving it a try tonight. Last night in Istanbul.

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Rocking fish

Even the fish cooks are under your control?
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Grave stone at Mosque

The grave stone were very different than the states. Some dated 1600. I am sure there are older ones. These are only for the men. Don't know what the woman ones look like. The more importance the person the more head stones they had.
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My ship comes in

Heading back to Istanbul for the last few hours here. I have a 6am flight to Rome-ny in the am. Need to get up at 3am to get it. Will be in NY by 1:30. Someone tell them I am coming.
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Graveyard Cats

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Tile work Golden Horn

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Koc Museum

Mom you would have loved the place
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Rahmim.Koc Muzesi

I think this was the 2nd or 3rd stop up the Golden Horn. Get off when you see the Sub and the ferry boat tied together. It was quite the place. A family collection from of everything that moves or does things. Cars to boats to planes to horse buggies. Well worth the 1 or 2 it take to go through it.
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Golden Horn Istanbul

Going up the Horn. The day is a little cloudy but it is a nice ride. 1.5 Lt. You can get on and off as you like.
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Picture taker Istanbul

I connected with every tourist to send me their photos so that I would not miss a thing.
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Tourist to the Golden Horn

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Fountain Istanbul

Have not figured out this fountain yet. Anyone know what it is about?
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Up the Golden Horn

Leaving Istanbul
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Am in Istanbul old city

Heading to the Golden Horn
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rocking boat cooks

This guy stands on the dock yelling orders to the cooks rolling back and forth behind him.
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Fish resturants

Sea legs
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Rocking Fish boats

The boats at the bottom of the photo rock with the waves of the ferries coming and going on the bay. They rock so much but the cooks never seem to fall off. No seasickness aloud to get the job.
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New Mosque Istanbul

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The other Doctor

Same tool but I think I could corner the market. I hear the market sucks.
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  Camera Odysseys and Bruce Byers  wishes everyone a great New Year. Jim Reed, a Hasselblad Master, will be joining us on trips bringing his...